Monday, December 1, 2008

Four Blings and You're Out!

Now that the holidays are here, it's all about glitter, glamour and glitz--and I'm not just talking about the tree! We usually have at least one event to attend that requires more effort than our usual school or office attire. Now, how do we go about looking festive without going over the top and competing with the tree? It's simple, just remember the three bling rule. That means you are allowed three blings and no more. What counts as a bling? Well, anything that glitters is bling, be it a purse, rhinestones on your shoes, or a sparkling dress, blouse or sweater. Your jewelry is bling when you wear chandilier earrings, a glittery bracelet, or a gemstone necklace. You are even a bling if you wear your hair up. Now, for a lesson in bling counting, take a look at someone who has mastered the art...Nicole Kidman. She is wearing a stunning white dress embroidered with silver thread...bling one!...her hair is worn up....bling two!...and she has on chandilier earrings...bling three! So despite that old Coco Channel rule that says put on everything and then take one thing off, don't do it. So many of us are afraid to wear just one bling and if you take it off, you don't bling at all! That's no fun. Just count your blings, and remember four blings and you're out of style!

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