Sunday, December 7, 2008

Tis the Season for Gifting

Sometimes we just can't figure out the "perfect gift." We've been told countless times, "It's the thought that counts," but does your recipient have any idea how many thoughts you've put into that gift? If they just appreciated the thought, you'd be finished with all your gifts by now wouldn't you?

Jewelry is always a good present when you just use some analysis and visualization. First, think of the recipient's overall style. Are they classic, trendy, casual or the executive type? Do they always wear earrings but never a necklace? Do they own hunking big diamond earrings and only wear necklaces? Is it bracelets they love? Or is there a color that always reminds you of them? Secondly, try to imagine looking at them. Isn't that easier than trying to read their mind when you have no idea what they want, need, read, or what size they wear?

My hairdresser is petite, funky, wears large earrings and loves patterns. If I envision her, I can just tweak around that and pick out something perfect. I know some chandelier earrings in a bright color will work. So I've chosen a pair in red coral and pearls. My sister-in-law loves long necklaces and she wears a lot of beige and browns...baroque chocolate opera pearls will look great on her. And my 86 year old mom loves silk button up blouses. A white pearl and black agate necklace that would fit within her neckline with a big clasp to accomodate her arthritis would be perfect. So stop thinking and start visualizing. Go look at some pictures if you need inspiration. It could be you already can see them in your perfect gift!